
What is Juvéderm?

Juvéderm® is a family of advanced dermal fillers developed by the top cosmetic-pharmaceutical company in the world; Allergan®. Juvéderm® fillers are uniquely formulated versions of Hyaluronic acids (HA) which are a naturally occurring substance that are skillfully injected to reposition, lift, redefine, and enhance facial features.

These injectable treatments are designed to address various aesthetic concerns, providing non-surgical solutions for individuals seeking to enhance their facial features and achieve a more youthful appearance. 

How Does Juvéderm® Work?

Juvéderm® dermal fillers are skillfully injected into targeted areas of the face and body. The product’s unique composition adds volume, smooths lines and wrinkles, and revitalizes the skin’s overall appearance.

Product Highlights

  • Customized Solutions: The Juvéderm® family offers a range of products tailored to specific aesthetic concerns, allowing for personalized treatment plans that address individual needs.

  • Natural-Looking Results: Juvéderm® products are formulated to provide subtle yet noticeable improvements, ensuring a natural-looking outcome that enhances your unique features.

  • Long-Lasting Effects: Results from Juvéderm® treatments are often long-lasting, providing a lasting enhancement to your facial contours and overall appearance.

  • Minimal Downtime: After receiving a Juvéderm® treatment, you can typically resume your normal activities without extended downtime. Your healthcare provider may offer specific aftercare instructions for optimal results.


The Juvéderm suite offers a range of products designed to address various aesthetic concerns, including:

  • Lip augmentation
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Cheek contouring
  • Chin & jawline contouring
  • Nasolabial fold smoothing
  • Tear trough treatment
  • Hand rejuvenation