What is BBL® Hero™ Broadband Laser?

BBL® Hero™ (Broadband Light High Energy Rapid Output) is an advanced laser technology used for various dermatological treatments. It utilizes a precise wavelength of light to target specific skin concerns, providing a non-invasive solution for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their skin.

How Does It Work?

BBL® Hero™ emits high-intensity light pulses that penetrate the skin’s surface, targeting melanin (responsible for pigmentation) and hemoglobin (found in blood vessels). This process helps to reduce pigmentation irregularities, eliminate unwanted blood vessels, and stimulate collagen production, resulting in improved skin tone, texture, and firmness.

Product Highlights

  • Versatile Treatment Options: BBL® Hero™ offers a wide range of treatment options, making it highly versatile for addressing various skin concerns, including pigmentation issues, vascular lesions, and signs of aging.

  • Non-Invasive and Precise: The laser technology provides a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures, delivering precise and controlled energy to targeted areas of the skin.

  • Minimal Downtime: While some mild redness or swelling may occur, downtime is typically minimal, allowing individuals to resume their normal activities shortly after treatment.

  • Visible and Lasting Results: With regular treatments and proper aftercare, individuals can experience noticeable improvements in skin tone, texture, and overall complexion, with results that can last for an extended period.


BBL® Hero™ Broadband Laser is suitable for individuals seeking to address various skin concerns, including:

  • Pigmentation irregularities (such as sunspots, age spots)
  • Vascular lesions (like broken blood vessels and rosacea)
  • Signs of aging (such as fine lines and wrinkles)